Knaut Fire Protection

At Knaut fire protection, we are dedicated to protecting life and property with our certified fire solutions and advice.

Adm. Manager

Thomas Buch Christiansen

CFPA Fire Technical Advisor

Niels Kristian Holm

Certifications and Consulting

Our installers are product-certified in the installation of passive fire protection. These are refreshed so that we always have the latest knowledge about the products that are installed.

All installations are documented by our CFPA Fire Technical Advisor so that standards and legislation are complied with.

Inspection and reporting

Before we start a project – regardless of size – our Fire Technical Advisor will review the building regulations for the building in question; building sections, fire cells and sections.

In addition, a free report will usually be prepared for you as a customer. It is based on this report - together with Brandteknisk Rådgivning - that an offer for passive fire protection is prepared.

Service agreement

The Building Regulations BR18 stipulates that buildings' passive fire protection must be inspected at least once a year and that any damage is rectified.

Knaut's service agreements ensure the necessary control and maintenance of the building's passive fire seals, which takes place once a year.

We draw up – in collaboration with our certified experts – a report and offer for any repairs and replacements.
